Helen Long Counselling in Winchester, Hampshire

Prices & location details. Cabin Dec 2019

Prices and locations

Winchester is centrally located in Hampshire with a good road and rail network makes it very easy to travel from other parts of the county.

I run a small private practice based in Winchester within easy reach of transport links. The No.3 and No.7 bus stops are only a few minutes walk, parking is also available. My therapy room is a safe and tranquil, purpose built cabin setting within my garden.

After you have made contact with me via email, text or messenger, I will contact you for a brief, informal chat to establish what you are looking for in terms of counselling. I usually suggest that we book an appointment for an Initial Consultation which is an opportunity for me get an idea of the type of support you need and gives you the chance to see if you would like to work with me. There is no obligation after this appointment.

The Counselling session costs £65 per session (50 minutes). I ask clients to pay in advance for their first session with me which will secure that appointment.

Cancellation policy - I ask clients to let me know in advance if they are unable to attend a planned appointment. Notice of less than 24 hours will incur the full session fee.

Prices & location details. Summer cabin



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