Helen Long Counselling in Winchester, Hampshire

About Counselling. Dandelion

Whatever your reasons for seeking counselling I appreciate it can be one of the hardest decisions you will make. The thought of being open or sharing painful feelings alone can add to the fear of seeking out a counsellor. However, it is a really positive step and many people feel better after the first session.

The aim of therapy is to provide emotional support while encouraging clients to be autonomous and take responsibility for their lives. Talking together may raise awareness of existing rigid behaviour patterns. Exploring and challenging the defensive motivation behind those behaviours and their consequences can lead to positive changes. Talking therapy provides encouragement and support during this process. By addressing the issues, a counsellor can help you achieve a healthier and more fulfilling.

By providing you with a safe, confidential space to talk and feel truly listened to, I will help you to explore your concerns and help you to feel more empowered in your responses to them. The sessions will give you time to talk, cry, shout or just think! For some clients, it is the genuine understanding of another person that leads to a positive changes in therapy. For others, it is the actions or adjustments that come from gaining awareness and acceptance of our unique way of making sense of the world.

Gestalt counselling is considered a humanistic, existential psychotherapy and emphasises the present moment, the ‘here and now’. The practice uses cognitive insight into current experiences, encouraging a client to explore creatively areas of life that have been obstructed. Having counselling is sometimes hard and difficult work. It takes effort to fully commit to the therapeutic process, to open up and explore difficult emotions and situations.

Sessions are tailored to each individual depending on their age, style of engagement and presenting issues. Counselling can be transformative!

About Counselling. Sun lavender

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